Clean surfaces, facades, glass walls & panels, …

Currently, modern life along with the rapid development of big cities has made the demand for glass, ground, facade, advertising panels, signs for shopping centers become popular. in Vietnam and other countries around the world. However, due to the influence of weather and climate, high-rise buildings and buildings, advertising panels, and central signs after a period of use will cause the outer surface of walls, doors. glass, panel, yellowish and become old, lose the original beauty and aesthetics of the building. At the same time, it is also one of the reasons for reducing the longevity of the building.

To meet the need to maintain the beauty and increase the life of the buildings, buildings, offices,…. Especially high-rise buildings need to clean the glass after construction, or clean and maintain the glass for 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year in order to:

  • Clean glass after construction, keep the beauty, modern and luxurious colors for buildings, offices, buildings.
  • Help to prolong the life of glasses, alu, … especially expensive alu and glasses.

Dai An cleaning service specializes in providing cleaning services, cleaning surfaces, facades, glass walls, advertising panels, signs for commercial centers, supermarkets & buildings … “Surface cleaning services, facades, glass walls “of Dai An Company, also known as exterior glass cleaning service, facade cleaning, facade glass cleaning … However, apart from the main task is to clean the exterior glass of the buildings. High-rise buildings often include many items that can include:

  • Cleaning glass, alu, aluminum frame, aluminum spokes
  • Cleaning stone on the outside of high-rise buildings
  • Cleaning signs, logos, billboards
  • Cleaning and washing the walls of high-rise buildings

With the motto: PROFESSIONALS – THAN THANG – ACTIVITY, Dai An is one of the leading industrial cleaning companies in the city. Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau, Binh Duong,…. Provide daily cleaning service, daily cleaning staff for hospitals, factories, factories, schools, supermarkets, restaurants, karaoke bars, offices, companies, shopping centers ,….

Dai An’s cleaning and cleaning service will ensure that the glass surface of buildings is clean, and at the same time improve the quality of glass surface with a team of skilled, healthy, experienced staff. trained in discipline, conscientiousness, specialized equipment, safety tools used have been tested. Fully capable of cleaning high-rise buildings and satisfy all customers.

Cleaning drainage & sewerage systems, ..

After a long time of using the drainage system for sure all households, high-rise buildings, commercial centers, hospitals, … in many areas such as bathrooms, toilets, sinks. The bowl will smell very unpleasant, the smell of rotten eggs, the smell of gas, the smell of dirty impurities for a long time … Many people do not know what is the cause of those odors coming from the sewer? And how to deal with odors from rising sewers?

Why do those areas emit an unpleasant odor?

The waste is in the drainage pipe much, not decomposing in time leading to clogging of the drainage pipe, clogging of the underground sewer or slowly draining wastewater causing the drainage pipe to smell foul, on the other hand the drain pipe In the toilet area, the bathroom is often linked to the general sewerage system of the whole city (if your house is in the city), so the excessive amount of dirty water can also cause the sewer to drain. your floor is giving off an unpleasant stench.

What are the negative effects of sewer odor on daily life?

  • The bad smell released from the sewer can make people feel extremely uncomfortable, strees.
  • If the drain smell contains a lot of hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S), this substance adversely affects the health of children.
  • Methane gas (CH4) in the sewer is also known as gas, when smelling a lot and continuously this exhaust will make your eyes irritated, nausea, dizziness, cough.

With long-term experience in sewerage & wastewater system cleaning, with a team of qualified professionals, Dai An cleaning service is sure to solve the problem that buildings, centers. commercial, hospital, supermarket, etc. encountered.

Cleaning the system of exhaust pipes, lubricating oil, …

What is a chimney system cleaning?

For restaurant and kitchen systems, it is very important to clean the chimneys and exhaust fans periodically, helping to maintain them for a long time and maintain the following performance. for a long time using. In particular, the cleaning of the smoke exhaust system needs to be cleaned periodically to ensure the safety of the restaurant and the hotel against fire and explosion.

What are the benefits of chimney cleaning?

Cleaning the chimney periodically helps the chimneys remove grease and dirt from hidden corners and improve the level of hygiene thereby reducing the chance of foodborne illness.

Clean the chimney and cause the chimney to become dirty

Every day, the kitchen frying, cooking in the kitchen causes oil, grease and dust to stick on the surface of the chimney system. Besides, during cooking and baking, the temperature is very high, along with a flame rising on the smoke extraction pipe. In which, the smell of smoky food, especially fried, fried, baked…. Contains a lot of grease impurities.

They will block the suction blades to cause harm to reduce the suction power of the suction fan, resulting in the heat and the smell of food remaining on the suction tube and can not fly out. The amount of dirt continues to thicken and make the heat in the straw increase causing the risk of fire.

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